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Personal Health Consultation

Every person comes to a consultation with their very own unique problems, questions and underlying desire for some assistance.  Many years ago the process of grouping and naming similar symptoms lead to the development of 'Named Medical Conditions' e.g. IBS, PMS, Diabetes etc. and the matching of these conditions with set treatments i.e. pharmaceutical drugs, diets, exercise advice etc.  While this is useful on one level it forgets that we are all individuals with unique history.  So, the route we took to having a health issue is different for everybody and the route to wellness, health and healing will always be unique because of our individual eating habits, work-life balance, relationships, stress levels, mental health, exercise regimes, family history etc., which can be summed up in what I like to call our 'Personal Life Package'.  For these reasons the consultation is always unique to the requirements of the client sitting with me.

The consultation starts with the question "What can I help you with?" and the rest evolves as we chat....     


Practical Details:

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  • Appointments last 1 hour
  • Always bring along any prescribed medications you are taking
  • Always bring a list of any supplements you are taking
  • Please record and bring along a 3 day food diary if you are seeking nutritional advice 
  • If you are interested in Functional Testing (see Menu bar for more details) then this can be discussed at your first appointment

Typical Scenarios

Scenario 1 - You have been seeing your doctor and/or consultant about a specific disease diagnosis.  You are currently taking medication and receiving treatment but you also want to know if there is something you can do to help yourself.  You want to know if nutrition and other alternative therapies could improve your health but you do not know what would help or where to look, you are confused about the array of supplements available and you want to choose the right ones for you.

Scenario 2 - You have been seeing your doctor and/or consultant about specific health problems.  You do not want to take prescription medications and are keen to find out if nutrition and alternative therapies would be of help.

Scenario 3 - You have been told by your doctor and/or specialists that there is nothing wrong with you but you feel lousy, you have symptoms that cannot be explained and you are frustrated. You want someone to listen to the full picture of what is happening to you and you want to do all you can to regain your health.

Scenario 4 - You are having problems with your digestion, bowels or skin and you think it is related to the foods you are eating. You would like to know more about allergies and food intolerance's and you would like to discuss doing a Food Intolerance test.

Scenario 5 - You are very pro-active about your health and you would like some assistance to assure yourself that you are doing all you can.  You also have questions and queries about your health that you would like to discuss.

Scenario 6 - You are at a point in your life that you would like to make changes but you feel that you could benefit from some coaching help.  Someone to impartially listen and sound out your options with.